AQW Color Repossessed
April 01, 2014
We Forgot to Pay Our Color Bill!
I just got notified that Monochromatic Unlimited, Inc will begin shutting off AQW's color saturation on April 1st. We will FIGHT THIS! If you log in to AQWorlds, you will, unfortunately, see much of the game in black and white. We are working frantically to correct this. Artix is on the phone now with Eric Dyer, Vice President of Color Collections with Monochromatic Unlimited, Incorporated to fix this issue.
They will never take... OUR COLOR!
But no matter what it may look like, this
situation isn't cut and dry or black and white. They have not taken ALL
of the color yet... just anything connected to the game client. And much
of the area surrounding Battleon.
50 shades of grey will just. Not. Work.
That has ME seeing red... which is why I
asked the AQW team to pull together and create some paintball-themed
gear. EVERYONE should equip the paintball gun from Eric Dyer's shop and
run around Battleontown bringing color back to the game!
Bring back the color!
We expect to have this situation rectified
by 12 PM server time on Wednesday. Captain Rhubarb has already managed
to return color to our website and character pages! (Monochromatic
Unlimited has NO idea how much creative people - and webpages- NEED
We hope you won't be blue as we strive to return color to AQW!
Extra April Fool's Joke!
One of our artists, Blade, wanted to play a joke on all of you AND me! He made a Navel Commander Armor (think bellybuttons, not pirates) and got a bunch of players to beg us for it. I was vehemently opposed to releasing this armor, but you guys wanted it and Blade asked so very nicely.
This is no joke.
So I put it in game... but hid the shop in a map and am not telling
anyone where it is! The Navel Commander and BellyButton shop will be
available for the next week. If you can find it in one of our most
nightmarish maps AND have 1 million gold, you can get your very own
Navel Commander, too.
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