MOST Chaotic Release EVER

June 07, 2014

SQUASHING Drakath's Chaos-inspired Bugs!

WOW, when we began planning the Chaos Saga finale (this is NOT the end of AQWorlds, we've got a ton of stories left to tell and battles to win!), we knew a lot of Chaos would be involved, but last night's release went way beyond expected!
You want to beat Chaos as much as WE do, so here's an update about what we're doing to fix some of the issues you experienced.
The main bug with the release comes down to an ordering issue, where the Yokai Portal wasn't appearing, but its cutscene was. So if you had most of the 12 Lords of Chaos storylines complete (as many of you did), you were able to complete the release without a problem.

If you didn't, though... you got stuck, and THAT is what we're fixing today!* The fixed map is up for testing now, and we expect to have the new map out to you all later today.

Today's other changes 

  • The /intochaos map has been removed. It has been replaced by the Mount DoomSkull map.
  • Two new quests with higher rep have been added to the Mount DoomSkull map if you've faced Drakath. (Later today they will be available for everyone)

Changes still to come

  • Adding "Replay Cutscene" buttons
  • The new and old versions of the merged Daimyo pets will arrive later today
  • Two new quests with higher rep have been added to the Mount DoomSkull map if you've faced Drakath. (Later today they will be available for everyone)
  • Next week: we are going to add "skip buttons" to many of the minigames in the main Chaos storylines. You'll need to try completing them a couple times, but if you can't, you'll be able to move past them.
  • Next week: The Legend Skip button will return. Legends will be able to skip the first 12 storylines and get right to confronting Drakath!
Thank you all for battling alongside us as we work to defeat Drakath AND the bugs his Chaos brought in. You are the reason we're here, and your strengh, skill, and determiniation are why we're going to be here for a LONG time to come!
* Our testers ran through the map for HOURS last night; I am pretty sure they battled harder than they ever have, and I could not be more proud of how hard they worked. This was a tricky issue to find and fix, even with hours of testing, but we're back on track!

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